
Round 1.6 - Eads

Coming up next in La Stique-en-Ardenne is the last resident before I'll move in a second bunch of townies to start off at Artie's to begin round 2! Please give it up for our favourite Extravert Einstein: Daphanie Eads! Gotta appreciate that nice move-in animatic, because later Sims games don't even bother with those anymore :c Here are some statistics for Daphanie, she's a Libra with Popularity Aspiration and her LTW is to have 20 best friends at once. That's easy, just befriend as many people as she can early on and then keep them that way, over time they'll slip into best friend territory. "Lookie there, hello butterflies!" You missed one, Dee XD Also, I built you a house. No need to be homeless anymore XD And the house is green/yellowish, which fits with her shirt. And yes, of course Daphanie gets her own business to run. I think I'll just consider this another lounge, since that s